" I'm a great book reader and radio fan. I do love a good political programme and stuff on the World Service. On these reality shows, am I going to find anyone to talk to?"
I wouldn't worry about that, you can get stuck into a Barbara Cartland and keep waiting for the phone to ring. Grant also claims that he is about to host a chat show in the US and has three film roles lined up. Before Grant took up the lucrative fortune telling game he appeared in On the Buses.
In other news, the act Othelio - can't really recall what they were about frankly - have been given the boot from Britain Has Talent. The singer Deborah Stephens was "linked to a double murder" according to the BBC. The victims relatives were distressed by her appearance and the show took the view that Othelio should be dropped. Stephens was not involved in the murder of Allan Cunning, 21, and Darren Hall, 20, but allegedly witnessed Michael Maddison murder the two young men with a baseball bat. So being "linked to" a horrific death is enough to be considered unfit for TV? Perhaps that is correct, one can understand the distress that it might cause. Why then is Michael Barrymore still popping up in TV land?