BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT CONTESTANT OLIVIA ARCHBALD IS NEW SUSAN BOYLE...screams The Star. With all due respect she is most certainly not! Susan Boyle was a delightfully frumpy lady who got sneered at by the audience on arrival and then responded with a knock out performance. That was the moment that she seized popular imagination and created a media storm / mass hysteria. Oliva Archbald did not do the same in my opnion, certainly she is a good singer, but she is not sending the Boyle message. The Boyle message was simple and appealing, a down trodden spinster with a cat was capable of greatness through song. Her subsequent eccentric behaviour only served to further deepen the bond that she had created with her public. We loved her, and we still do. Olivia Archbald is timorous, Boyle is feisty. Susan Boyle is the pop culture equivalent of Everyman and has timeless universal appeal.
So far already we have had numerous "next Susan Boyle" sightings i.e Olivia, The Singing Accountant etc. However, like The Loch Ness Monster, they are misty visions of what might be, but likely shall prove to be a delsuion. There is only one Susan Boyle and we should be satisfied with that.
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