Monday, May 3, 2010

Hokum Watch

More Russell Grant based hokum:

1. The Tories will win the election because we have "an emphatic Mercury retrograde" according to his latest press release.

2.The Sun informs us that Katie Price - aka Jordan - is being haunted by the ghost of a nurse. Grant is at hand to help of course! Interestingly the great behemoth has decreed that the ghostie is "good" and has decided that it should stay chez Jordan. The reason is some twaddle about healing her son. Russell reveals that "I saw a woman in a white nurse's uniform. There is absolutely no doubt to me that she was an angel. I had a dream that night and when I woke up I knew I had got through" Or maybe, just maybe, he had been feasting on:

1. Dream inducing cheese and pickle sandwiches
2. His own desperate need for publicity, an appetite shared by Katie Price

I dreamed a dream in time gone by...

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About Me

Nestov Ratz is a world renowned campanologist originally from the Romanisch speaking region of Switzerland. Nestov has been acclaimed by high society for his zither playing. In 2007 Nestov wowed holidaymakers in Benidorm with his act, Nestov & Mr Strawberry, an act comprising a zither and a singing parrot.