Remember Hollie Steel? The ten year old kid who burst into tears during Britain's Got Talent 2009? Well, her mama has just had a go at Simon Cowell. I wonder why?
Nina Steel, the mother, has been moaning about how her darling daughter was "dropped like a penny" by producers. Last Christmas she also launched an attack on the public at large for not supporting her daughter.
Simon promptly responded:
"Last year's finalist Hollie Steel's mum has been saying certain things about the show. But kids aren't dragged on the show - parents bring them.Well said, sir! Hollie Steel's parents actually entered both of their children into the talent show according to their publicity / wikipedia page. They thought that "her older brother, Joshua, was more likely to progress" Are they running a family or a talent stable? Sound like the archetypal pushy parents to me.
"Kids are always going to be disappointed if they don't win. Most of the kids I've seen during auditions had a blast. If I thought they weren't enjoying themselves I'd do something about it."
Apparently she was due to make a recording with Rolf Harris, but it didn't happen, so she released a record at Christmas which also failed. This prompted her mother to launch a scathing attack on the nation via The Chorley Citizen, a local rag of some kind:
“Sometimes this country lets young people down and we want people to get behind Hollie and support her...it is heartbreaking for me and her"I couldn't agree more! Why has Britain let this girl down? How dare you! Why has she not been rewarded with a lucrative record deal, fame, fortune, "a party with rooms full of laughter, ten thousand tons of ice cream, pink macaroons, a million balloons and performing baboons" The answer of course is nobody wants to hear a sickly sweet rendition of Edelweiss by a little brat, or watch her mother throw a tantrum. One comment in The Chorley Citizen puts it well:
Good grief, the memories of Britain's Got Talent just came flooding back, when this pushy mum demanded that her brat be allowed to sing again, when she'd already thrown the mother of all tantrums on stage...car crash tv is all your daughter is known for, not her rather average singing voice. I wonder if Hollie wants any of this? Let her have a childhood...
So why has Nina Steel started attacking the show? In a desperate attempt to remind us of Hollie Steel and get some press coverage? Perhaps she could release a version of the hit from Veruca Salt? I wonder what the Oompa Loompa's would say?
Who do you blame when your kid is a brat
Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat?
Blaming the kids is a lion of shame
You know exactly who's to blame:
The mother and the father!
Oompa Loompa doompadee dah
If you're not spoiled then you will go far
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa doompadee do
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