Christopher Stone, the singing accountant? Does Simon Cowell think we all just arrived on the last melon truck? If this isn't a stage managed attempt to recreate the SuBo effect, then my name's Fred Basset! The parents who pushed the shy little bookish accountant to reveal his talent? The hand wringing? Give me a break! Simon C even stopped proceedings to add that bit of drama! Christopher Stone can sing, but if he had not pulled the "nerdy accountant with his mum" routine, would we have have noticed him? Answer: of course not! There is a story doing the rounds that he owes his papa money:
"He sold a lovely three-bedroom semi with a big garden and moved into a small, two-bedroom flat above an Indian takeaway so I could follow my dream" reports stv.tv.
Well, I hope he likes onion bhajees then, because "The Singing Accountant" 'aint no Susan Boyle.
Gymnast troupe Spellbound were truly amazing, let us hope they do not turn out to be in fact the UK Olympic Gymnast Team posing as a bunch of street kids from "different backgrounds" a la "Fame". I hope not, as these guys provided something really anazing. If this IS raw undiscovered talent then hats off to Cowell. Such an act would do Britain proud on the international stage and would no doubt delight HM The Queen. Good luck to them!
The Arrangement were (and are) total rubbish, and should have been given the boot. This is the kind of stunt which devalues the talent of such acts as Spellbound. Total tripe contrived to look like it was something eccentric and posh, as usual the great unwashed in the audience provided the lifeline so this naff act can continue. Again an attempt at the underdog formula which has proved so profitable in the past.
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