Ghastly brat group, The Arrangement, are on the spin cycle: Frontman Jono tells The Sun
THE Arrangement are planning to use their sexy string section to give them a boost in the next round
No comment necessary.It might help if they actually had a little talent to offer and if Jono could actually sing. Instead they revisit an old joke by singing popular songs in operatic style. Seen it many times before, although obviously it was a new one on the audience. Simon Cowell was correct to buzz The Arrangement off. I seriously regret that this tripe is going to be wasting everyones time in the second round. The other news is that showman, or show off, Jono has a father, and he is an opera singer. So what?
First off. Stop being such a fucking rim about everything. Just because the only talent that you possess is the incredible ability to cum in 0.3 seconds, does not mean that you can talk total shit about things you have no idea about. That sun article had absolutely no bearing on what the arrangement is about, and as per usual, they put a ridiculous spin on it. They will not be using their "sexy" string section to give them a boost, it's not that kind of group. Secondly. Jono can sing. Fucking well. The entire group is classically trained to a ridiculously high standard and it beats your attempts at grade 1 recorder anyday. stop crying over the talent you never had. Thirdly. So what? He comes from a musical background and his father is one of the leading operatic basses in the world. Probably a good environment to learn how to sing maybe? Rim.
Not much i can add to cooketacular, he's covered all the main points... just wanted to express how much of a fffffucking rim i think you are as well. maybe if you didn't spend your life using your tears as lube after a hard day bitching to yourself on the internet you'd have a small right to insult people's talent. but unfortunately you're a pathetic little internet wankstain who clearly has no sense of humour, or musical knowledge. well done fucktard.
Couldn't of put it better myself Cooketacular - I despair that this bloke is making a mockery out of blogging by writing such tripe. Here's a tip: try using a reliable source (maybe something other than tvbiz?) when making an informed judgement. If you fancy ever using the internet again for something other than pornography, try and find something constructive and useful to humanity to do with it.
If you're wondering why no one, that right NOT ONE PERSON has subscribed to your blog, its because no one gives a fuck about you, or your shitty immature opinions.THATS RIGHT. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU. So why the fuck don't you stop posting shit, and in the priceless words of mr Wood, go back to using your tears as lube.
And we all know the reason your so negative to Britains got Talent is that the camera never focus on Ant and Dec enough for you to have a good 15 second wank over them.
agree with the above also mate u think ur so hard writing shit on the internet, how bout u come doyn carlton arms on fookin friday nite then i'll show u who's hard...DUNZ
I am very sorry but I do not speak the same language as you fellows. I have no idea what a "rim" is or a "tear lube" for that matter.
Now off you go and finish your homework like good boys and girls.
If you believe what they say in tabloid newspapers then you are even stupider than I originally thought.
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