Paul Daniels has been in Hollywood, California. Whilst there he has managed to insult Slovenia (a team from the Methodist Youth Club of a place called Slovenia) Accuse Andy Murray of being Gordon Brown's love child and even accuse the former Prime Minister himself of taking up residence with Al Qaeda:
Why doesn't wee Andy Murray take some elocution lessons to project his voice upwards from that miserable muttering? I listen and grow more and more convinced he is Gordon Brown's love child.
As for Gordon, where has he gone? I suspect that all along he has known where Osama Bin Laden lives, and has moved in with him...
Wee Andy Murray?
Here are some other titbits from his inane ramblings:
Because various negotiations fell through we were lucky to have more days of freedom than we expected.
A lot of our time has been spent wandering along the streets and malls here.
For 45 years I have closed my show with a really good mystery that I developed all those years ago, a vanished piece of paper money turns up inside a walnut that was inside an egg that was inside a lemon. The walnut, egg and lemon routine has always been a real baffler and wraps the show up nicely.
I wonder if they are connected? Walnuts, eggs and lemons may be the ingredients of a tasty salad, but not entertainment in 2010. Put you old walnuts away Paul, sadly nobody wants to see them anymore.
Source: http://thelifeandtimesofpauldaniels.blogspot.com/
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