Matthew 26:74 Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.
Do not criticise The Arrangement, if you do, then expect to get a visit from a pack of online yobs hurling disgusting insults. Most of them seem to have a poor command of English but a suprising talent for prurient imagery.
The foul mouthed followers of The Arrangement have accused me of using "tears as lube", having an unsavoury interest in Ant & Dec, and insulting my attempts "at grade 1 recorder" I don't cry very often (the last time was when my parrot, Mr Strawberry, died), I do not really like Ant & Dec - I always thought Jimmy Tarbuck would make a better presenter - and I play the zither and not the recorder.
The tirade of abuse and profanity is the reason why decent people fear using public transport, fear of feral youth. These feral packs - that are roaming the web abusing anyone that does not support The Arrangement - are a shocking indictment on what young people have become. They are also a shocking indictment of the standards of decorum and behavior at the one particular education establishment perhaps? Not sure. Many of them say they know the group and so forth.
Interestingly the latest poster has invited me for a drink "how bout u come doyn carlton arms on fookin friday nite" says the invite. It seems that spelling is not high on the curriculum either. I am not sure where The Carlton Arms is. I am a great fan of gastro pubs and also enjoy a good ploughmans lunch, I am wondering if they do a nice cheese and pickle spread perhaps?
Your Parrot is a CUNT.
Mr Strawberry, my parrot, is dead. He is not anything anymore, unless there is a pet heaven. What do you think? I am contacting a medium to try to get in touch with him, please respect my loss and show a little compassion.
Why would you want to be so frightfully unpleasant, Mr Nik? You didn't even know Mr Strawberry! Did you? he was rather famous in Benidorm. Maybe you would have liked him.
The only people who read this blog are the people who want to break you're puny neck. Why don't you save your self all this trouble and buy a russian male order bride to love and care for? There's a good boy.
So at first they're public school toffs and now they are feral yobs? You're not very good at making your mind up are you? Go have sex with your dead parrot's corpse. I know you enjoy it.
You clearly have a moral defect. I'm worried about all these videos you have of Hollie Steel on your blog. I do hope you are on the child sex offenders list.
Looking forward to your arrest,
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